June 2021

Der Ratschings Mountain Trail ist die Südtiroler Laufneuheit 2021

2021-06-26T15:07:46+02:0015. June 2021|

Erste Top-Athleten und Just-for-Fun-Kategorie Ratschings, 11. Juni 2021 – In zwei Wochen feiert der Ratschings Mountain Trail seine Premiere. Bei der Erstausgabe am Sonntag, 27. Juni sind mit Emanuele Manzi, Luca Pescollderungg und Edeltraud Thaler drei Topathleten am Start, die die 17,7 Kilometer lange Strecke mit 950 Höhenmetern im Herzen des Wandergebiets Ratschings voller Elan in Angriff nehmen werden. Die Veranstalter vom ASV Ratschings um OK-Chef Hanspeter Schölzhorn bieten außerdem ausnahmsweise die Just-For-Fun-Kategorie an, um den Hobbyläufern inmitten der Corona-Pandemie entgegenzukommen. Siebenmaliger Mannschaftsweltmeister mit Italien im Trail-Lauf, WM-Silbermedaillengewinner als Einzelstarter, dreimaliger Europameister mit dem Team, 26-facher Italienmeister [...]

May 2021

January 2021

Extended benefits of the pre-registration until end of february

2021-01-29T08:34:34+01:0026. January 2021|

Extended benefits of the pre-registration until february 28, 2021 Dear trailrunning friends, we are still confident that the situation around the Corona virus issue will improve during this spring - at the latest until the Ratschings Mountain Trail on 27.06.21. Due to the current uncertainties we have decided: that the benefits of the pre-registration will be extended until 28.02. should the event not to take place, participation will automatically be postponed to 2022. Otherwise, the entry fee can be refunded upon request (processing fee 3€). We can react flexibly to the respective situations. The hygiene measures will be [...]

November 2020

Der Ratschings Mountain Trail ist die Südtiroler Laufneuheit 2021

2021-01-26T17:31:36+01:0019. November 2020|

The Ratschings Mountain Trail is the South Tyrolean running novelty of the coming year It has long been no secret that the sport of running is enjoying ever-increasing popularity worldwide. While at the beginning of the 2000s it was mainly city marathons that captivated the athletes, the urban ambience has recently been replaced by the open countryside. No wonder, then, that trail runs are currently very popular and are springing up like mushrooms around the globe. A new trail will also be available in South Tyrol next summer when the Ratschings Mountain Trail takes place on Sunday, [...]

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