Dear trail running friends,
As many of you probably know, the ASV Ratschings is behind the organisation of the Mountain Trails. For many years, our club has been very active in the Alpine skiing, football and, of course, running sections. The “Wasserfaller-Alm” mountain run has been held 30 times and this year has given way to the Mountain Trail – but not entirely! The club has come up with something and is organising the first Ratschings Winter Trail on 27.11.2021 under the motto “Run 4 Fun”! The route leads from the Ratschings valley station, up to the Wasserfalleralm (2.7 km with 630 metres of altitude). The equipment can be chosen freely, whether touring skis, snowshoes or normal running shoes. Prizes will be awarded to the fastest 3 women and men as well as a median time. Afterwards there will be a warm meal on the mountain alm and a free beer at the after-race party! A competition with fun guarantee! Promised!;)